Welcome Aboard Visiting Mariners!
The members and staff of the Erie Yacht Club welcome you to our Club. We hope to make your stay with us as enjoyable as possible. The information listed below contains answers to frequently asked questions visitors have concerning our facilities. If you don't find what you're looking for we encourage you to contact the Club.
We have limited guest dockage space available and reservations are required. Please contact the Assistant Dockmaster Danielle Adamowicz at DAdamowicz@erieyachtclub.org or 814-453-4931x219 to make arrangements.
Coordinates Basin Entrance:
Latitude: N 42° 07.41' Longitude: W 080° 07.97'
The Erie Yacht Club monitors VHF channel 9, but the best way to contact the Fuel Dock is to call the Club at 814-453-4931, ext. 216.
The Erie Yacht Club reciprocates with most yacht clubs. We are members of I.L.Y.A, Boat US, and are listed in the Registry of American Yacht Clubs. You must belong to another yacht club to moor at EYC. We charge $2.25 per foot, starting the first night.
Guest Dockage Rates
Our rates are based upon the size of the boat and the length of stay. The base rate for most boats is $2.25 per foot.
Up to 60' 60' and Up
Nights 1-6 $2.25 $2.75
Nights 7-13 $2.00 $2.50
Nights 14+ $1.75 $2.25
Facility Amenities
220 linear feet Transient Dockage
Free Internet access in the clubhouse & entire boat basin
Internet Webcam and Weather Station
120’ floating fuel dock with: diesel fuel, 90 octane ethanol-free unleaded gasoline, and waste pump out
371 Slips with custom floating catwalks; quiet, wide, stable with water and electric
100 Dry Sail spaces
49 PWC Docks
72 Storage Lockers
Two traveling boat lifts with up to 50 Ton capacity
Two mast hoists
Three boat hoists up to 2 tons capacity
Boat launch ramps
Waste oil disposal tank
Picnic Shelter with children's playground
Showers and restrooms in the Clubhouse
Washers and dryers in the Clubhouse
Junior Race Team
Learn to Sail Program for juniors and adults
15 420 Sailboats
12 Optimist Sailboats
Racing Fleet with over 60 boats
Ice Boat Fleet
Grill Room, seating capacity of 125
Commodore Bliss Dining Room, Seating capacity 45
Bar, seating capacity 30
Business station
Bayside Ballroom, seating capacity 150
West lawn deck and service bar
Waterfront lighthouse pavilion
Ship's Store, in Lobby next to business office
Upon Arrival
All yachts visiting EYC must check-in at the Fuel Dock facility located as you enter the basin. All skippers must fill out a guest mooring registration and present your club's membership card. The Fuel Dock attendant will ask you for a credit card to take an imprint for billing purposes. The attendant will assign and provide you with directions to your slip, as well as a welcoming brochure.
U.S. Customs and Immigration
Click here for the latest requirements from the US Customs and Border Protection. All international visitors arriving, as well as U. S. citizens returning from Canada must call the U.S. Customs office at 814-833-1355
Payment and Billing
All purchases at the Fuel Dock can be paid with credit card. If your Club has reciprocating charging privileges with EYC you will be permitted to bill all charges to your club account. Charges for items purchased in the clubhouse can be paid with cash, credit card, and reciprocal Club Charge if approved.
Fuel Dock
Our Fuel Dock provides the following service to our members and visitors.
90 octane ethanol free unleaded gasoline and diesel Fuel
Ice - Small Bag $3.00
Large Bag $5.00
Motor Oils & Additives
2 cycle & 4 cycle, 30w and Lead Additive
Waste Pump out
Visitors $5.00
Members Free
Haul Out
Visitors $4.00 per foot
Members $75.00 Flat Fee
Dock and House Rules
Our club rules are probably very similar to your own clubs. We emphasize safety and respect for the rights of each other. With this in mind, the following is a brief outline of some of the rules. If you have any questions, a complete set of rules is posted in the Grill Room.
Our Fuel Dock, located across from the entrance to the basin is for temporary use only.
No guest boat shall be allowed to perform repairs of any kind without express permission of the Dockmaster.
All pet owners must keep their pets quiet at all times and under restraint when off the boat. All pets must be cleaned up after.
All visitors must notify Security of any expected guests. They must be registered at the front gate. Security's number is 814-453-4931x214.
Parking at the boat slips is reserved for members and visiting boaters. Guests of visitors must park in the main clubhouse parking lot.
No skateboards or roller skates (blades) are permitted on the premises.
Alcoholic beverages not purchased at the club are not permitted in the clubhouse.
Minor children are not permitted in the Grill Room unless under direct supervision of an adult. At no time are minors permitted to sit at the bar.
Appropriate dress is required at all times in the clubhouse. Shoes and shirts must be worn. Hats on men are not permitted in the main dining room unless otherwise part of a uniform.