The Erie Yacht Club is a vibrant and inclusive community that has a membership of over 1,500 individuals from diverse backgrounds. Members include sailors, windsurfers, jet skiers, and more, with many families spanning multiple generations. While the majority of members reside in Erie, Pennsylvania, the club also draws members from across the United States, with 21 different states represented.
The EYC provides ample space for its members' watercraft, with 372 boat slips and 49 jet-ski docks available. Of the boats in the club's marina, 60% are powerboats, while the remaining 40% are sailboats.
Volunteering is integral to the Erie Yacht Club culture. Members participate in activities such as the junior sailing program, race committee, and docks and grounds maintenance. With a large base of volunteers, the club maintains its high-quality facilities. Join one of the fun committees and get involved!
How Do I Join?
Regular Membership
This classification is a full privilege membership. The control of the Erie Yacht Club is vested in the Regular Members via their right to hold office and vote at the annual meeting.
The initiation fee for Regular membership is $4,500.
Associate Membership
Also known as the “Social” membership, this classification has limited boating privileges and full use of the Clubhouse. This class has no voting or annual meeting privileges. Boating privileges include the seasonal rental of the dry sail area.
The initiation fee for Associate membership is typically $2,000. Yet, the club is currently having a membership drive for Associate (Social) class membership from now until May 3rd! Please use the link below to find out more information regarding the incentive to join now!
Membership Drive 2025
Junior/Junior Family Membership
What’s the difference between the two?
A Junior member is a person between the age of 16 and 34 and has no parent as a member or is the child of an Associate member. A Junior Family member is the son or daughter of a Regular member and has joined the club as their own member. These two classifications have all the rights and privileges as the Associate member, which includes limited boat and full clubhouse privileges. This classification has a tiered pricing structure based upon your age at the time of applying.
Once elected, the dues of a Junior and Junior Family member will change in cost as they age, (see chart in Membership Brochure above). In the year of their 35th birthday, the Junior member will automatically be transferred to the Associate class. Junior Family members will automatically transfer to full Regular membership.
Which membership is best for me?
For those who don't own a boat but want to use the Clubhouse for personal or business purposes, the Social membership is the best option. Young families under the age of 35 can take advantage of the more affordable price structure by joining as Junior or Junior Family members.
Join as a Regular member if you plan to have a boat, as this will enable you to earn points towards seniority for a boat slip.
If you joined the Club as an Associate (Social) member and in a few years decide you would like to purchase a boat and obtain a boat slip, all you have to do is submit a letter to the Board of Directors requesting transfer to Regular membership. You’ll then be billed for the difference between the Associate Initiation fee and the Regular member fee, in this case $2,500.00.
I decided to join the Club, what do I do now?
Obtain the signatures of two members of the Club. If you are new to the area, or do not have any sponsors, give our Club General Manager a call.
Complete the application and submit it to this address along with the appropriate deposit:
Regular Membership $497.50 deposit.
Associate Membership, $462.50 deposit.
Junior Age: 16-20 - $47.75; 21-25 - $124.38; 26-30 - $248.75; 31-34 - $373.13
Erie Yacht Club
Attn: Membership
1 Ravine Dr
Erie, PA 16505
*Please note, you will not be added to the waitlist if your application is missing a deposit*
I did all that, what happens now?
Once the Club receives your completed application, you will be added to the membership waitlist.
Once accepted by the Membership Committee, your application will be posted on the Club bulletin board. A summary will be submitted to the Board of Directors. At the next regular board meeting your application will be presented and voted upon.
You will be notified by letter of the results of the vote.
Once accepted, the Club will bill you the appropriate initiation fee as well as the balance of the dues. After payment is received, you will receive your membership card and all other appropriate materials such as the Club By-laws and rules.
Thank you again for your interest in joining the Erie Yacht Club. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Club Office or our General Manager, Thomas Bedner at 814-453-4931.