Class Descriptions
Opti Night Class ages 6-8 - This 8-week evening class is geared for our youngest sailors with an emphasis placed on safety, learning, and fun! Students are introduced to water safety, boat controls (main sheet and tiller), basic sailing maneuvers (tacking and jibing), and wind, through classroom and on-the-water activities. Our goal is to create a positive learning environment so our little ones are excited to sail.
Price: $345
Time: 1 night/week for 8 weeks, 6:00-8:45
Enrollment cap: 16
Sessions offered: 2 (Choose either Tuesday or Thursday)
Opti Day Class: ages 8-12 - This 8-week class is for younger sailors that want to participate in the traditional all-day program with an emphasis on FUN. Students will independently sail in our Optimist dinghies under the close supervision of instructors and participate in daily classroom lessons and on-the-water activities. The curriculum includes terminology, basic seamanship (knot tying, rigging), basic boat handling (steering, sail trim, capsize recovery), and course sailing.
Price: $815
Time: 2 days/week for 8 weeks, 9:00-4:00
Enrollment cap: 18
Sessions offered: 2 (Mon/Wed or Tues/Thurs)
Beginner 420 Day Class: ages 10-18 - This 8-week class introduces children to the basics of sailing aboard Club 420's with an emphasis on teamwork and FUN. The curriculum is tailored to students sailing experience, it includes terminology and rigging, wind and water theory, safety, boat controls, sailing maneuvers, points of sail, knot tying, and rules of the road. As students progress, lessons will also feature sail trim, capsize recovery, course sailing, and beginner racing. (students enrolled in this class may be moved to the advanced class at the discretion of their instructors)
Price: $815
Time: 2 days/week for 8 weeks, 9:00-4:00
Enrollment cap: 18
Sessions offered: 2 (Mon/Wed or Tues/Thurs)
Optimist Race Team: ages 10-14 - Join us for an 8-week Opti Race program- practices are held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 4:30 pm to sunset in tandem with the Laser/420 Race Team. This race team is designed to enhance sailing and racing skills learned in our day classes. Focused on fostering a growth mindset, we empower students to improve boat handling and racing knowledge through dedication. Team members collaborate, applying skills on the race course. Participation in the annual Eriegatta and I-LYA regattas is encouraged based on coach evaluation. Parental involvement is crucial for team success and travel to regattas. Set sail with us for a thrilling journey of skill development and teamwork!
Price: $765
Time: 2 nights/week for 9 weeks, 4:30-9:00
Enrollment cap: 8
Sessions offered: 1 (Tues/Thurs)
420/Laser Race Team -Race team practices for ages 13 to 18 are held on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 4:30 pm to sunset. Admission to this team is based on both prior sailing experience and merit. Students enrolled in this competitive 9-week course engage in team practice sessions during the week and exciting weekend travel regattas. This program is tailored for students eager to master higher-level racing tactics and strategies. Founded in 1998, racers participate in the I-LYA Junior Travelers Series spans the summer, featuring regattas hosted by member clubs across our region. The Travelers Series aims to enhance sailing opportunities and elevate the competitive edge of junior sailors within the I-LYA. Weekly one-day regattas provide a dynamic platform for skill application and improvement throughout the season. The active participation of parents or guardians is vital for the team's success and enables travel to regattas. Become part of a thriving community where passion, skill, and teamwork converge for an enriching sailing experience.
Price: $1275
Time: 2 nights/week for 9 weeks, 4:30-9:00
Enrollment cap: 20
Sessions offered: 1 (Tues/Thurs)
Advanced 420 Day Class: ages 12-18 - This 8-week class builds upon skills learned in the beginner 420 class. The course starts with a review of the basics before moving into more advanced material, which is geared more towards fleet racing. The curriculum includes the use of spinnakers and trapezes, an introduction to racing tactics and strategy, skipper/crew cooperation, advanced sail trim theory, and advanced rules of the road. Additionally, because students in this class are held to a higher standard, we are able to incorporate extra privileges including long sails, sailing games, J22s, and more. (students enrolled in this class may be moved to the beginner class at the discretion of their instructors)
Price: $815
Time: 2 days/week for 8 weeks, 9:00-4:00
Enrollment cap: 18
Sessions offered: 2 (Mon/Wed or Tues/Thurs)
Adventure J22 Day Class: ages 13-18 - This 8-week class is taught exclusively on our fleet of J22s. The class serves as an introduction to keelboats while allowing students to develop more practical skills for sailing as well as boating in general. Our curriculum focuses on the theory of sailing, safety procedures, keelboat handling, teamwork, crew and boat management, anchoring, navigation, basic weather patterns, and other skills useful for future boaters.
Price: $690
Time: 1 day/week for 7 weeks, 9:00-4:00 (no class held on July 4th)
Enrollment cap: 16
Sessions offered: 1 (Fridays)
J-22 Adult Class: Sail on our fleet of J/22's, this 8-week course combines hours of
on-the-water learning mixed with dockside instruction, all within the framework of a FUN
social setting. Our curriculum focuses on the theory of sailing, terminology, rigging and
de-rigging, personal safety, knots, safety on the dock and on the water, points of sail,
small boat handling, right- of-way rules, man overboard procedures, and teamwork.
Classes are either Tuesday or Thursday.
Price: $560
Time: 1 nights/week for 8 weeks, 6:00-9:00
Enrollment cap: 15
Sessions offered: 2 (Tuesday or Thursday)